Our Staff

2024-2025 School Staff


Kindergarten Team

Ms. Gillen and Mrs. Flick
Ms. Belair and Mrs. Boylan
Mrs. Kirkwood and Ms. Say
Mrs. Panopoulos and Mrs. Eveson
Mrs. Nash & Ms. Milner


Primary Team

Mrs. MacDougall
Mrs. Harper
Mrs. Pierce
Mrs. Kelley
Ms. Wilbur
Mrs. Lopez
Ms. Assaf
Mr. David
Mrs. Ensing


Junior Team

Ms. Imerovski
Mrs. Moorhouse
Mrs. Hill
Mrs. Robinson
Mrs. Vilon
Mrs. Cottell
Ms. Knight
Ms. Pearce
Mr. Waugh

Intermediate Team

Mr. Bilbie
Mr. Greason
Mr. Bangs
Mr. Clark
Mr. Tait
Mr. D'Amico


Specialty Teachers

Ms. Walter (Music)
Mr. Sanders (Phys. Ed.)
Ms. Jeffery (FDK Outdoor Ed.)
Mrs. Currie (French)
Ms. Laskey (French)
Mrs. Stilson (ML & Guidance)


LST Team

Mrs. Moorhouse
Mrs. Letsos
Mrs. Nisbett


Transitions Team

Mr. Tranberg
Ms. Moroz
Mrs. Zolob-Laithwaite


Library Learning Commons Teacher

Mr. Harding


EA Team

Mrs. Pallister
Mrs. Kelly
Ms. Friel
Mrs. Hamilton
Ms. Beaulieu
Ms. Leathlean
Ms. Upadhyay


Custodial Team

Mr. Campbell
Mr. Jennings
Mr. Joron
Mrs. Gregorio


School Support Counsellor

Ms. Labadie


Attendance Counsellor

 Ms. Piche


Speech and Language Pathologist

Ms. Mohamed


Secretarial Team

Mrs. Andrade
Mrs. Arauz



Ms. Takyi
Mrs. Fowler
